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发布时间: 2018-07-18

晶澳太阳能成立于2005年,是全球领先的高性能光伏产品制造商,产业链覆盖硅片、电池、组件及光伏电站。晶澳在全球拥有11个生产基地、20多个分支机构,产品足迹遍布100多个国家和地区,广泛应用于地面光伏电站以及工商业、住宅分布式光伏系统。凭借持续的技术创新、稳健的财务优势和发达的全球销售与服务网络,晶澳备受国内外客户的认可,连续多年荣登《财富》中国500强和“全球新能源企业500 强”榜单。

Founded in 2005, JA SOLAR is a leading global manufacturer of high-performance photovoltaic (PV) products, with a business portfolio including wafers, cells, modules and photovoltaic power stations. Thanks to its 11 production bases and over 20 branches, JA SOLAR products are available in over 100 countries and regions. They are used extensively in utility scale power plants, commercial and institutional applications and residential rooftops. Supported by technological innovation, sound financial performance, and an advanced global sales and service network, JA SOLAR has been well received by domestic and foreign clients. For several consecutive years, the company has been listed on the Fortune China 500 list and the World TOP 500 Energy Companies.

投稿与新闻线索联系:010-68027865 刘小姐 news@solarbe.com 商务合作联系:010-68000822 media@solarbe.com 紧急或投诉:13811582057, 13811958157
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