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中硅集团在2011 Intersolar EU展会期间推出具有“黄金公差”的“闪电系列组件”

采访嘉宾: 发布时间: 2012-03-05

 在今年召开的Intersolar EU展会期间,中硅集团(ZG-CELLS)推出了其具有“黄金公差”的升级组件系列产品——闪电系列组件,以为客户带来更多的益处。“闪电系列组件”最大的特点为其稳定的公差及性能保障。由于公路衰减导致转换率下降、输出功率降低,从而影响系统的稳定性,这是客户最大的担忧。中硅集团旗下“闪电系列”的“黄金公差”可实实在在地为客户提供正公差保障,为组件质量提供了双保险,从而帮助客户提高系统的稳定性。At Intersolar EU 2011, ZG-CELLS launches an upgraded module series named "Flashing Series Modules" with "Gold Tolerance", on the purpose of responding our clients with more benefits. "Flashing Series" is boasted for the assurance on tolerance performance. Our clients are mostly concerned with project systematic stability which would be damaged by degradation onconversion rate and power output. "Gold Tolerance" for "Flashing Series" is offering clients with real benefits by positive tolerance, which is actually double securing module quality in order to upgrade project stability for our clients.

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